I watch her all day and I have the same thoughts over and over… PLEASE God let me always remember this moment, this little grin, this teeny face, this sweet snuggle, this precious giggle, this monster coo… I know I have to savor each of these moments endlessly, we’ve already hit the 6 months mark and she’s growing so very quickly into a little lady, these photos only prove my point more so.
Tag Archives: Fall
A Come Back and Roasted Goose
Soooooo…. It’s been a while huh? Time for a come-back. I took a bit of a break and focused on life. We all need that sometimes, right? So I’m forgiven.
One way to describe how the Fall months make me feel is, you know that heart-eyed emoji? Yep. That’s me! Apple absolutely carbon copied my face. Ha-ha! Kidding. But in all seriousness, I do use that emoji every.single.text. to relay my expression to the recipient.
With all this fall talk comes intense cravings for the seasonal foods that fall brings. Right now it’s all about squash, homemade crusty breads, the hearty soups I make each weekend to warm our tummies, fresh pomegranates, and crisp apples. I always look forward to Fall and how all of the delicious foods and meals around this time of year bring family and friends together. It’s incredible that breaking bread together can break down barriers, and forge relationships. It’s something that Mr. B and I experience so often in South Korea. Our neighbors and dear friends have gifted us with all sorts of yummy treats. This year we’re looking forward to another friends-giving and will have some new faces around our table. More to report back with on that later.
I haven’t really captured many photos this Fall, except for on Instagram, of the leaves that are still bursting in burnt orange, a bright golden-yellow, and an ever stunning maroon. Recently in the mornings you can feel the briskness in the fresh air, be able to take in the sweet smell of wet leaves, and it just feels so great.
Sooo….I’m going to jump right in with some photos from our recent dinner. Mr. B and I discovered a goose while out shopping and decided to splurge and try it out. Thanks to the assistance of Chef Gordon Ramsey and this video, we spiced it up and cooked our goose!
Just take a look at this baby! The goose was incredibly flavorful and tender! If you get the opportunity grab a goose for a special dinner and get cooking.
Le Weekend Cake
I’ve come to a realization after many, many, years of denial…I truly think it stems from some form of divorce child syndrome….(hey, we all have some dysfunctional childhood syndrome, it happen!). Sorry mom and dad.
There I was, I found myself drying dishes in our kitchen, after washing them moments before, having a conversation with Mr. B about organizing and cleaning up. I said aloud without even realizing it was coming out of my mouth, “If my home, office, car, etc. are clean and tidy, then everything will be all right, because I’m in complete control of those spaces and the things that fill them. Everything’s in the place it needs to be.
Can we pump the brakes for a moment? If this ever was a moment that a weekend cake and break from reality inside my organized little head was needed… This. Was. It.
Hence my adventures in making the French weekend cake, this past weekend. Do I have you scratching your head yet, questioning, “weekend cake” is there even such a thing? Yes, indeed and of course it’s delicious too!
In France le weekend cake, or gateau de voyage is traditional french pound cake that’s rich and buttery. The cake itself got the name because it’s a cake that can be made ahead of time and easily transported throughout the weekend on your picnics.
In the states, Sarah Lee and Starbucks mass produce a really sad spongy pound cake (that people love? Hey, I was one of them too…) that is very dense and heavily flavored with butter, but it essentially is the same concept and will keep for a few days.
Isn’t there just something so special about baking and getting to use your hands to create and transform something as simple as dough into something so delicious and beautiful? Plus baking is something that takes me completely out of my mind and worries of clutter and unorganized couch pillows and unmade beds. (Yep, I’m that girl).
Finally, everything was finished and the oven was cooling off. We both waited for this very moment and huddled eagerly together around the table and with every bite, there were waves that swept us away in pure citrusy ecstasy. Now that’s a weekend cake!
Tarte Aux Pommes
As apples are coming into season, leaves are transitioning over to their Burt-orange and yellow shades, and (the U.S) Thanksgiving is right around the corner, I thought I would share my most recent kitchen adventures with the tarte aux pommes (French apple tart). I think it’s such a nice counter-partner to the traditional “apple pie”, but comes off a bit more rustic and showy.
Hopefully I won’t get any backlash for this statement, but in my opinion the tarte aux pommes taste practically identical to the U.S version of apple pie. The exception is that the tarte aux pommes has wafer thin apple slices neatly arranged in the open on top of the tart, a buttery crust, and a caramelized glaze to give the whole thing that irresistible eat me sheen.
We prepped all of our materials and ingredients. I familiarized myself with the French tart ring, eek no bottom! Have you ever had the opportunity to use one?
I learned a new trick with how to make homemade vanilla sugar…. guess you will need to ask me to spill the beans.
To start we made a sweet short crust pastry. Rolled everything out by hand. Carefully Arranged dough in our tart ring and mini tartlet pans. We then popped them all into the refrigerator until we were ready for them again.
We then diced and thinly sliced the apples by hand.
We added our diced apples to pots on the stove with a mixture of butter, sugar, and cinnamon. The warm baking smells of the mixture slowly cooking happily danced up our noses. I wish I could just share that experience alone with you all.
Once the apples were soft on the stove top we then pulled out our chilled pastry dough and started to really get to work.
We filled the center of the tart with smaller diced warm apples and then continued on aligning and arranging the top ring of thinly sliced apples. It took me two attempts to get what I was looking for visually. Don’t fret if you end up doing the same.
Lastly brush the top of the apples with melted butter and generously sprinkle sugar over the tarte. We used the deck oven again and baked until golden brown. When it was finally finished, it looked incredible!
The last step was to lightly brush an apricot nappage–(an apricot jelly diluted with a bit of water and heated to near-boiling) over the tart tops. This nappage will help seal in the moisture and give it that stunning sheen that I mentioned above.
You can serve this French tart with a nice dollop of whip cream, or vanilla bean ice cream. Or, do as we did and invite your dearest friends over after a dinner out and serve casually with tea, coffee and good stories around the dining room table. Together we swooned with each bite of the buttery crust and heavenly scent of apples and cinnamon that encouraged us to just go ahead and indulge!

Namae Beach, South Korea: Colors on the coast
The other weekend we skipped town and hopped down to Seoul and on over to the beach! It was so relaxing! Absolute. Best. Decision. Ever. (Thanks for the invite Mr. B)
There were so many fun fall colors to soak up, the gorgeous fall sun rising while I strolled along the beach in the morning, spicy seafood soup (jjambbong) to slurp up, and scuba diving to be done!
I travel the world and the seven seas.
Everybody is looking for something.
– Sweet Dreams – Eurythmics
^I love how the persimmon tree matches the rooftop of a Korean home.

Seoul: Jacoby’s Burger
(A bit delayed on posting this one Ooops…)
This weekend, THIS WEEKEND!! OoOoOhhh, it was soooo good! So so very good. It started off with a meet up with our good friends, making the aquaintance of a new friend visiting from Hong-Kong, taking in those beautifully fall colored leaves, and food…food…and more food (come to think about it, I think I strolled rolled around Seoul).
The weather was PERFECT! Just the right amount of fall crispiness to help cross off this white girls fall to do list. ha-ha! (Come onnn how true is this list??)
Anyways, our good friends recently raved about a burger joint in Seoul that we needed to check out. The reviews were a bit dodgy online, however they were mostly about the staff ignoring them, attitude etc. So what the heck, why not give it a try? We ended up in the area with a hefty appetite after taking in all those beautiful fall leaves.
The restaurant is Jacoby’s Burgers located just north of Noksapyung Station in Seoul. Don’t be fooled by the typical restaurant look from the outside, Jacoby’s has quite a unique menu that serves juicy burgers a la carte, pasta, vegetarian burgers, onion rings, freshly cut french fries, salsa and beer. YUM-YUM-YUMMM! Plus they so kindly held the side of attitude when we went, so the overall experience was pretty freggin fantastically delicious.
Usually I’m the kind of gal that would order a big ‘ol burger, but my friend Mandy told me that Jacoby’s makes a pretty mean veggie burger made with red-beans. It sparked my interest and I decided to give it a whirl. Now I was left with the harder decisions, to add bacon or not? decisions, decisions…. I know all the vegetarians are cringing out there. Sorry.
WOW! The red-bean burger was surprisingly flavorful with a nice little spicy kick. I’d absolutely order it again, but my eye is also on the gut buster burger. Speaking of the gut buster, our table was right up front where we could watch all the burger creations come out of the kitchen. Watching people’s eyes and mouth’s drop open as the gut buster burger landed on their table was priceless! Lordy! Look at that thing!
Across the street from Jacoby’s we giggled as we checked out the Camping Company Restaurant. This is urban camping at its finest! We’ve got to go back just go giggle as we grill…totally worth it!
Eventually we made our way to Insadong that afternoon and we found out that it just so happened to be Makgeolli (Korean rice wine) day. We cheers the occasion and ordered a roadie, the adios mother. Whew! Quickly found out why it was named that…talk about a nice adult beverage concoction.
Another fun-filled adventure in Seoul for the books!
DIRECTIONS: Out Noksapyung Station exit #2, walk straight down to the Kimchi pots. At the pots, take the road up to the left. Jacoby’s Burger is just up the road on your left.
45-6 Yongsan-dong 2-ga, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Style: falling into fall
I’m such a four seasons type of gal. I look forward to celebrating each new season as it sweeps in to change everything around me. The nights have been getting much cooler and fall is absolutely on its way in, but the days tend to warm up and still reach anywhere from upper 70’s to 80’s. I find myself needing versatile pieces and layers that I can remove as the temperatures fluctuate.
The move has certainly helped me to re-kindle and re-find my old favorites in my closet from last season. I love the chambray shirt that I can roll up the sleeves, the puffer vest that everyone went C-razy over last year, and my two closet staples the pencil skirt and scarf. It feels so good to also organize everything into its new home again too. I thought what a wonderful opportunity to share a few of my picks that I’m looking forward to sporting to remain comfy and cozy into the fall season.
PS: Don’t forget to swing by Starbucks and pick up a pumpkin spice latte (sorry Food Babe, I cannot resist when I am stateside) and check out (5) the brand new his-and-hers Apple watch certainly swoon-worthy.
What are some of your comfy cozy fall favorites?
Things Worth Sharing: Turkey
This little package of happiness arrived all the way from Turkey with love.
Turkish delights, Turkish tea, Turkish pottery, and a Turkish coffeepot…
Oh my stars!
could anything be more magical?
I think not.
We love and miss you guys!
thank you, thank you!
Get settled in soon, you’ve got anxious visitors.
The C Word
This week I received a message from a dear friend that said she was getting a biopsy done, and may have breast cancer. Immediately my heart sank…. I couldn’t believe the words as I read them slowly out loud to myself.
…Really?! She’s so young!! This has to be some sick joke! There is no way!!…. Endless things racing and spinning through my head.
On top of it all I felt helpless and so scared for her.
There are no real words to truly comfort a loved one under those circumstances. The anxiety that eats them waiting for that call, those biopsy results, the words “no cancer”. Of course, I responded immediately with the power of prayer, strength, good vibes, and happy thoughts.
This morning I awoke to the most amazing news, I found out that her results read that she did NOT have cancer! Praise The Lord!
As I sipped my morning coffee in our quiet empty apartment I couldn’t help but to realize that you never, ever, know what lies ahead. Life is so terribly short. You have to appreciate the family and friends that you have right now. Cherish every day and moment with them. Like it or not, these scary and tough real life moments in life will make you stronger, and also make you realize that you need to live each day to the fullest. Why do we stay angry? hold grudges? or live in regret? We’ve got to make the most of our lives while we are here!
I decided to share the Cosmo field near our place with this post because it certainly calls for a celebratory cheers! Just look at them! Aren’t these wild gals beautiful?

Labor Day Delay
Whoa! It’s not hard to see that I am running a week behind…again… EEK! I feel like we just try to squeeze every drop out of what is left of summer! It doesn’t stick around to long here so I feel uber guilty if we don’t get out in the evenings after work, and that is preciously what we have been doing.
Anywho, without delay I’ll get to it with the Labor Day fun!
I joined Mr. B on the east coast of Korea where he and a group of friends planned a weekend of diving. I have decided and told Mr. B that when we retire we will live on the beach or at most a block away from the beach. I couldn’t ignore my huge heart singing out relocation, to the ocean, the sand, the sounds… it just calms and soothes whatever your current mood or state of mind is and seriously, if the weather wasn’t being the biggest show off too! Not so hot with a slight autumn chill in the air. It was the most welcomed break and I took advantage of every minute it had to offer by catching up on my Kinfolk Magazine, sunning my pale leggies, strolling leisurely along the beach line. AH! Oh and then the drive home up, over and through the lush green mountains. I never imagined Korea to have the mountains that it has.
Here’s a tip…If you ever make a trip to Korea, do yourself a favor and get outside of Seoul, or whatever touristy city you choose to see the countryside and mountains too. You won’t regret it.