Monthly Archives: January 2014

Thoughts Of…

How often do you dust? It’s not that I dislike it…
I’d rather just spend my time vacuuming
I very much love to vacuum. Shared a teensy bit more about myself with you
OCD. Fact of life.
Is it just me, or do some people make elevator rides awkward? I hardly ever see the people living in our building, however occasionally there’s the AM awkward ride down to the parking garage. It’s all darty eye contact and stuff…
I met up with a dear friend at a local pastry shop and not once was I tempted to touch my phone. Maybe its Asia, or just today’s society, but do you find it a rarity to dine out or meet up with others and not see them touch, check, text, or Facebook while in your company? Reminds me of this YouTube.
Oh, yeah! Happy MLK Day!
A mug of Vanilla Latte and a small tarty fro-yo while the snow falls outside


Making Friends as an Adult.

I found myself deep in thought, while sipping my coffee, waiting on a dear friend at our local weekend coffee spot. The thoughts deep like the swirls of whipped topping and caramel mixing with my coffee were about making friends as an adult. Let’s go one more step more and add to the complications of that… making friends. as an adult. while living abroad. I feel that in high school or even college for that matter while they are preparing you for the “real world”, they should be instructing on real world issues such as when you take that gigantic leap outside of your safety blanket (your hometown or surrounding area) what you may find yourself feeling.

I know, I know… the world’s tinniest violin is playing for me right this second. I’ll take this second to have a small (but respectful) pity party for myself, then we’ll get to moving on with this post.

2013 proved to be one of the more challenging years for me in my adult life. However during those challenges, I met an acquaintance of a friend that turned into a dear friend, a sister for life. Unfortunately, I know all to well that she is only abroad temporarily and will be moving on in the next few months. I’ll always remember a wise family member saying that quality over quantity will matter when you are an adult. At the time I remember thinking, yeah sure… then gloating about all of the “friends” that I had on my Myspace page (Don’t try to deny know you had a Myspace page too). Now my 20 something self is understanding just how true that family member’s statement was. As a child, my grandparents told me that I could be-friend anyone, anywhere. The public pool, yep had a random swim buddy, the playground, yep had a tag or jungle gym pal, high-school, yep some bad gal pals and good gal pals, college, yep crazy but fun housemates. Truly I have been blessed to have met some amazing friends along the way and share equally amazing memories with each of them too.

However, over the past few years, let’s say the past three, I haven’t had the best of luck making friends since we moved abroad. I blame it on my mostly on my work schedule, and maybe partially on the fact that I have turned a bit anti-social. And introvert-ish. I’ll digress. Some of the first “friends” I made when we moved abroad turned out to be a group of ladies that belonged to a church group. Sound choice, right? Wrong…some of these women made me feel so insecure with myself. Constantly judging my knowledge of religion, my life, masking me with this toxic vibe, etc. Isn’t that comical? Ladies of the church! But at the time I couldn’t see it… Then I snapped out of it and distanced myself. I made the decision that I really longed for quality over quantity. I think that is where the fuel was added to the fire.

Don’t misunderstand my words, Mr. B and I have some great couple friends, most of them with kids too. (Apparently we are freaks for not having one by now). Ooops. Kidding! They are outstanding and we love their kids too!

So how does one make quality friends? Sometimes I wonder if I am sending out the wrong vibe? Hmm.. Really, what is the right vibe to attract quality?

Although…side note…I did take a gigantic leap and branch out last month. Yes, I made random conversation with a woman while she bundled up her baby, about politics outside of the grocery store. We ended up exchanging Facebook names and are “friends”(our generations most acceptable way to socialize, right?) Since that first encounter, almost every time I run into the grocery store to grab something we bump into one another. We talk eggplant, holidays, serious grocery chatter. This most recent encounter we actually took a step forward and decided to make a plan to meet up for coffee soon. Hopefully I do not let her down by not being able to uphold my end of conversation about breastfeeding, the homeschool, private, or public school decision. You know, whatever all of you cool moms talk about over coffee. We will see.

So…. there it is just in time for my coffee dates arrival too. I’d love to hear your thoughts.


Hafa Adai!

(Pronounced HALF A DAY) is “Hello” in Chamorro! 

Tonight I felt a teeny tiny bit guilty when watching the news and weather forecast from Guam. 21,000 flights cancelled due to the freezing temperature and snowy conditions stateside. NY, Chi-Town…Brrr….even S.Korea under old man winter’s wrath this year. Geesh! It hasn’t even come close to dipping below 80 here all week.

HA-HA-HA…Can’t rub it in too much longer…we know our days are numbered (jokes soon on us).

For now know that we are sending you freshly picked limes, local gin and tonic and a gorgeous sunset your way!


Boonie Stomping

“Boonie Stomping”:  Hiking around the boonies or jungles in Guam.

We got our boonie stomping, diving, snorkeling, beach laying and driving the entire island ON!


Tarzan Falls

Two Lovers Point

Talofofo Falls Park (Check out the replica of Yokoi’s Cave)

Gab Gab Beach

Gun Beach


Buñelos Dagu

Fried yam donuts, or also known as Buñelos Dagu by the Chamoru people of Guam.

We Bee’s had the opportunity to feast on some dagu while enjoying ourselves at a typical Chamoru family celebration with our friends. As I got to watch the mixture drop into the oil, I was told that Dagu is served at Christmas time because the yams are harvested during that season. Lucky for us… we made it just in time!

Talk about island hospitality! This was the very first time we met this group through our friends, we were instantly greeted with kisses on both cheeks, handed adult beverages and pointed in the direction of the mounds of delicious foods. Maybe it was the warm tropical island breeze? Or, maybe It felt a lot like home…Whatever it was, I know we both equally relished the warmth and generosity of this family.

Under the crystal clear moonlight sky we listened and swayed to festive music, were intrigued by the families telling folk tales of taotaomonas and duendes (Google it! interesting island superstitions), watched children run and play as most of their fathers were losing their hands time and time again at Texas Hold’em card game.

Buñelos Dagu recipe here

Let me know what you think! Oh! Don’t forget maple syrup or simple syrup too!

(You’re welcome!)



I speculate that while on vacation, you are the best possible version of yourself…especially  when you are vacationing in Guam.

I can’t entirely chalk it up being away from work, because let be candid…when are you ever truly “away” and completely disconnected?

I don’t know about you, but for me being on vacation puts me in this at peace vacation state of mind that refreshes my mind and body and reminds me little by little about the things I’ve put on the back-burner but really do love. Thanks Blakley’s!


Good Luck

Chowing down for 365 days of good luck!

Good ol’ central Pennsylvania pork and sauerkraut.

What’s your traditional good luck food to kick the new year off?

Thought this was interesting —> Foods To Eat For Good Luck


A New Year

New Year resolutions are something that everyone does, but the harsh reality is that we almost rarely stick to them. Weeks leading up to new year’s eve I found myself asking close friends and family if they had a resolution for the new year. It was really interesting to me to hear their response or watch their facial expressions.

To be frank before this year I really never paid much attention nor bothered to spend time giving thought to a resolution. However this year the thought loomed in my head and while on our night walk Mr. B and I talked about our personal goals as well as our together goals, for the most part a continuation from 2013. You know… travel and saving more money, (I know, I know…if that isn’t the most contradicting statement EVER.)

I guess the thing that I realized as I rolled out pizza dough while entertaining our friends this new year’s eve is that life, goals, and things are going to happen the way they happen, goals met or not…life has that funny way of just working out in the end, even if you thought you had a solid plotted out resolution for the new year.

So with that said… cheers to the unknown in the new year of 2014!

Almost forgot! Included some fun photos below of dear friends we cheered the new year with.
