How often do you dust? It’s not that I dislike it…
I’d rather just spend my time vacuuming
I very much love to vacuum. Shared a teensy bit more about myself with you
OCD. Fact of life.
Is it just me, or do some people make elevator rides awkward? I hardly ever see the people living in our building, however occasionally there’s the AM awkward ride down to the parking garage. It’s all darty eye contact and stuff…
I met up with a dear friend at a local pastry shop and not once was I tempted to touch my phone. Maybe its Asia, or just today’s society, but do you find it a rarity to dine out or meet up with others and not see them touch, check, text, or Facebook while in your company? Reminds me of this YouTube.
Oh, yeah! Happy MLK Day!
A mug of Vanilla Latte and a small tarty fro-yo while the snow falls outside
Tag Archives: YouTube
Moboal, Philippines
Over Memorial Day we spent a wet and wild weekend on the shores of a wonderful little island of Cebu, in Moalboal, located in the Philippines. The location isn’t very touristy, it was just our style. Most resorts in the area cater to Scuba divers, so entertainment is very laid back and there are next to no night clubs. You can relish in the fact that a cold beer is less than 45 Pesos in most bars, or about 50 cents in US Dollars.
While Mr. B dove with our friend Chris, I spent most of my time snorkeling, and relaxing on a rather magical porch, sunning, reading and of course…sipping on something fruity and refreshing. Just look at the view! The sea lapping right up to our little porch, pleaseeee take me back!
On the last day of our trip we all went sight-seeing around the island, swam with whale sharks, and experienced a “natural” massage at the Kawasan Falls, and ate halo-halo the Filipino dessert made from UBE (purple yam) . Experiences I will never ever forget!
We are aching to get back to the coast again. I do believe that I am suffering from lack of the sea, sun and sand as we speak. That porch off the ocean solidified that we need to invest in a beach home someday. Ahhhh, Somedayyy. When I am in the office I feel the soft quiet pull of the salty wind and sand. So, so unbelievably ready for the summer in South Korea, how about you?