I’ll spend forever showing you how much you mean to me.
Vegan Rosemary chocolate chip cookies at 6am.
He adores them, and I adore him.
Click, Ship & treat yourself!
I’ll spend forever showing you how much you mean to me.
Vegan Rosemary chocolate chip cookies at 6am.
He adores them, and I adore him.
Click, Ship & treat yourself!
….Is it??
Typically we wait until the day after Thanksgiving to put up our tree, well except the past two years. Last year Mr. B got excited and insisted we purchase another tree because he had crossed the 5 year mark in Korea and I think he realized that the one we had sitting in storage wasn’t going to be making an appearance anytime soon in Korea. He also declared that he wanted to put it up before we had hosted our Friendsgiving. It was really sweet.
This year i’ve noticed many of our friends posting photos of their cozy homes all decked out with their Christmas swag. At first I thought ALREADY?! Then this past week it got me and sucked me right in. I’m guilty, i’ve had Charlie Brown’s Christmas music on and have changed out our pumpkins for red berries and greens.
After I decorated the first tree, I decided something needed to be filling the air with its Christmasy flair. I’m not talking about a candle, it needed to be homemade and baked for the right feel to go along with the good vibes.
As you know, I adore our cookbook collection and of course consulted my gal-pal Isa and whipped up an orange chocolate chip bundt cake. The cake uses orange zest and really added that hint of citrus spiciness you think of around the fall/winter holidays. Just enough to tickle the nostrils and stimulate your taste buds! Plus Mr. B is a huge fan of chocolate. Win-win!
You can find the link to her recipe here. I highly recommend you pick up her book, even if you check it out for a bit from your local library. I tweaked the recipe due to the availability of items in our kitchen. I used unsweetened vanilla almond milk, homemade vanilla extract, tangerines in the place of orange for the zest, used Ghirardelli Chocolate 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Baking Chips in the place of semi-sweet, and I cut back on the sugar. I also didn’t end up adding in the ground flaxseed. Digging into the cake that evening was a treat! Next time I’m going to make sure I have oranges on hand just to taste the difference.
We are not skipping or discounting any part of Thanksgiving this year, but as i’ve seen and recently have felt, it’s never to early to get excited about something as important as Christmas! What are your feelings, or are you waiting until after Thanksgiving to get in the Christmas spirit?
Rosemary in my COOKIES! YESSS! If you’ve been watching our Instagram account you’ve seen that I’ve picked up some new light cookbook reads. Now…I can no longer hold it in, my current cookbook obsession is, Isa Does It: Amazingly Easy, Wildly Delicious Vegan Recipes for Every Day of the Week by Isa Chandra Moskowitz! Isa seriously has me hook line and sinker with these cookies. I turned into an instant cookie monster not even wanting to share with Mr. B. My family knows I am the first to snub most chocolate off, but the addition of rosemary to a cookie really caught my attention. Oh and guess what? IT’S VEGAN!
These cookies were perfect and in every way, just as Isa described they would be, buttery, golden, and wake your taste buds up with the exotic happy marriage of semi-sweet chocolate chips and fresh rosemary. Trust me folks, be forewarned, you are going to instantly become obsessed with these cookies too!
Don’t fret if you think it’s going to be all complicated because it’s vegan and possibly an unknown territory. It’s actually really easy and we had almost everything we needed on hand already in our kitchen. I only had to modify one partial element of the recipe and that was the coconut oil. Isa’s recipe calls for refined coconut oil, I only had unrefined but didn’t let that stop me and certainly didn’t change the taste as far as I am concerned.
Rosemary Chocolate Chip Cookies
Link directly to source: Post Punk Kitchen
1/2 cup refined coconut oil, softened (I used unrefined)
2 tablespoons lightly packed, chopped fresh rosemary (Chop it FINE)
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup light brown sugar
1/4 cup almond milk (or your favorite non-dairy milk)
1 tablespoon ground flax seeds (golden preferred)(I used Bob’s Red Mill whole ground flaxseed meal)
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 1/3 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup chocolate semisweet chips
Preheat oven to 350 F. Lightly grease two large baking sheets.
In a large mixing bowl, use a fork to beat together the coconut oil and rosemary, until relatively smooth. Add the sugar, and beat for about a minute.
Add the non-dairy milk and flax seeds, and beat once again, for 30 seconds or so. Mix in the vanilla.
Add about half the flour, as well as the salt and baking soda, and mix well. Add the remainder of the flour, along with the chocolate chips, and mix well until it looks like, well, cookie dough.
Scoop about 2 tablespoons of dough onto cookie sheets in rounded spoonfuls. Flatten gently with your hands. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, until bottoms are golden brown.
Let cool on sheets for 3 minutes or so, then transfer to cooling racks to cool the rest of the way.
Thanks for getting me through the tough times Isa!
Not only is rosemary for remembrance, as you may have read in my prior post, our friends departed Korea earlier this AM and mother Korea decided to surprise them one last time before they were on their way… SNOW! It was surprisingly a decent amount of snow that settled in below on our streets, sidewalks and trees. I love looking our windows onto the glittery white rooftops munching on a cookie.
Click, Ship & treat yourself!
Friday night we went out on the town for date night. We met up with some of our good friends, and their sweet baby boy. We enjoyed a wonderful meal at a newly discovered restaurant very close to our house.
We stumbled upon this place while on one of our weeknight walks downtown. We both said that we’d have to go back sometime and try the place out. Ohhh goodness folks, we were so glad we did!
The Korean ladies loved baby G to pieces, they fussed over him the entire time we were there. Anytime the adults were talking and looking away they would immediately gush all over him picking up his sunglasses that he’d drop onto the floor, removing any rice he might have stuck to himself, wiping his nose or face. It was so entertaining plus baby G milked it for all it was worth. What a little ham!
I can tell…you are curious and wondering what exactly a pork shell and lib is.
Well, I just cannot help myself, I just have to share with all of you how my sweet little Korean co-worker translated the menu for me. She was explaining each dish, doing a fantastic job too! She started to lose me towards the middle of the menu when she started to use the term lib and shell. I just wasn’t understanding what a shell or lib could possibly be on a pig. After talking some more and using some gestures we realized that shell was skin to me and lib was really a rib. We giggled, it was just to cute!
Mr. B Getting schooled in the art of meat grilling. (again) HA-HA!
A success of a date night if i don’t say so myself. Three cheers for pork shell and libs 🙂
Saturday I buzzed solo. I was in dire need of some hair attention. I walked down to the train station, caught the train and headed towards Seoul at 7:15AM. The sun was already out, our Korean neighbors already had their peppers out drying in the morning sun. Whew… the month of August doesn’t mess around in Korea…hot….muggy… I just cannot remember being this hot last year here. Perhaps I don’t want to remember?
After my hair appointment I walked throughout Itaewon. I knew there were two places that I wanted to check out while it was nice and I had the time to dawdle. Life is just a cup of cake, and the High Street Deli. Luckily these two places were fairly close to one another and I wasn’t out in the heat that much.
Life is just a cup of cake, is the most darling little cupcakory that is nestled back in off of the hustle and bustle of Itaewon’s main street. The outside of the place was just so inviting with its birdcage and cottage like feel. Who wouldn’t want to get sucked into this place?!
Once I got inside my nose immediately picked up on the cupcake aroma in the air and my eyes instantly fixated on all of the beautiful little cupcakes lined neatly under the countertop glass. So many important decisions to make…mind you these are the most delicious life decisions I really don’t mind having to make.
Next stop, High Street Deli. I knew I had to swing by this place because of Mipa! I wanted to support her awesome vegan baking business that she works so hard at. This little lady has serious talent! I ordered a veggie on wheat sandwich because the heat was starting to get to me and I figured something light would hold me over on the train ride back home.
While I was getting ready to leave I was paying and chatting with the Korean worker there. Of course the topic of the sun and heat made its way into the conversation. The man was very kind and said, “I hope that you have your sunblock on or a sunbrella”, you’ve got a convertible top going on there. Of course I had a nervous giggle not quite sure what to make of the convertible top comment. I scooted out the door and checked out my almost covered shoulders, Cotton-knit, knee-length sundress….Hmmmmphh.. he-he-he, convertible top 😉
Interesting in checking these two places out? Do it! They won’t disappoint, I promise!
For the restaurant in Dongducheon click here
For the Life is like a cup of cake location click here
For the High Street Location click here