Category Archives: Extreme Weather

As of late…

Silence on the radio….I had been planning to share our photos of bumblebee, what we’ve been whipping up and passing around our table for dinner, things we’ve been doing over the past few weeks…that is until seeing and reading the stateside news media as of late.

I’m a creature of habit, each morning I sit thankfully in my comfortable, quiet, moderately safe kitchen and read/ watch yet another attack, lives taken, the disgusting political mudslinging, friendships being ripped apart over petty disagreeing opinions as it relates to the before statements, the insane weather destroying communities, etc., I’ve just been so reluctant and so hesitant to post anything really. Hesitant to post about the wonderful times we’re experiencing here and the incredible foods we are so blessed to indulge on, out of respect to those who are clearly not safe, going hungry, in harm’s way of attacks and mother nature. Yes, to me it felt like writing about our homemade meals, vino night with good friends and cute bumblebee photos is very trivial in light of these heinous acts and tragedies.

But, I’ve realized and have shared some really special conversations with someone recently that’s given me more perspective on these events and a worldly view as a whole. We’ve discussed that no matter where you are these terrible things will occur, will continue to occur and you can’t let it stop you from trying to make the world a better place not only for you and I, but our children too. You can’t stop finding the good in your days and you certainly can’t let it stop you from living.

Through these conversations I’ve given so much deep though into the importance of my family and the importance of our friendships and who we chose to spend our remaining ticking hours with while we are on earth. I’ve realized even more so the importance of gathering our little family and close friends around our table, how writing about and sharing our home cooked meals is not trivial in the least bit, but so hugely important during these unfortunate times, because we are turning to one another to foster togetherness in our homes and around our tables. We’re creating these positive moments and memories, escaping even if only for a short bit of time the sadness and reality of what’s going outside of our doors and across the ocean from us. We’re gifting one another great company, great food, great wine and friendship that comforts, nourishes, strengthens, bonds our minds, hearts and bellies. With that being said…. I’ll post on.


Early Signs of Spring

This past weekend, we met up with Mr. B’s cousin Kelsey to celebrate her birthday and a group of our friends that are shortly departing South Korea, for a day of all play in the magical city of Seoul. What is it about that city? You know, it’s really hard to put into thoughts and words and I feel that the photos just never do it justice so I always yearn to go back every chance I get. Despite the typical haze, the weather was gorgeous and it was as if Spring unexpectedly surfaced just for us for the day.

Ah! the history, the food, the massive building structures, and the seemingly endless panoramic views from Namsan mountain’s Seoul Tower. Don’t just take my word for it, enjoy some of my favorite moments captured below why don’t you…

We started the day early with our daily dose of protein, fresh milkshakes, and perfectly crisp french-fries at Brooklyn Burger. Our friends found this restaurant and immediately decided this needed to be included on our next adventure. The arteries might be clogged, but the rave reviews truly didn’t disappoint! Even baby Jilly bean approved as she tasted my peanut butter banana milkshake. Then again who doesn’t trust a place that features a photo of Ice Cube on ice machine?

PS: Get to Brooklyn Burger early and get your name on the waiting list. The restaurant only has about 5 tables and it doesn’t take long until the place gets a crowd.

We then walked around the French district, Seorae Village. We checked out a few little gift stores in the area and of course made a stop by Paris Croissant and picked up some handmade chocolat and macarons. I was absolutely in my element. I learned that although Paris Croissant is a chain bakery, this location was the only in South Korea that uses true French flour. Oh! the aroma…As soon as we crossed the entryway the amazing aroma of freshly baked breads and pastries filled the air. The space was beautiful with a grand staircase that lead down to the basement where you could shop for incredible cakes, French cheeses, wine, macarons and chocolat. If you went up the staircase from the main floor, you could eat the goodies purchased from the main floor or basement, or continue up the staircase to the Café. I found myself stopping on the staircase watching the bakers as they prepped the counter space for another batch of bread. I was in a trance as they kneaded and rolled. I then realized that everyone had already left and was waiting for me outside. I snapped a few more photos and jetted out the door. à bientôt as ah bee-ahn-too!

(I’m loving the photo bomb of Kelsey’s kimchi fingers)

After our shortly lived trip to “Paris” we hailed a cab and headed over to Namsan mountain to take the cable car up to Seoul Tower. Unfortunately a lot of other people had the same thoughts as us and the lines were a bit out of control. Nonetheless, we eventually made it as the sun was starting to set. We walked around a bit, checked out the views both from the observatory and from the restrooms. LOL yes… the restrooms.

After we took the cable car back down the mountain we hailed another cab and headed for our predetermined sushi house dinner. You know when we come to Seoul sushi is almost mandatory, few exceptions.

Sunday morning we all slept in, truly it was needed after the long fun-filled Saturday we had. It was another beautiful spring like day so we took a walk to show Kelsey around our little neighborhood. To continue on with celebrating Kelsey’s birthday we went to Dino meats, previously featured on the blog, introduced Kelsey to various cuts of meat, followed up by a birthday potbingsu. A perfect ending to an absolutely perfect weekend!

Happy birthday dear Kelsey! We are over the moon your here and we got to celebrate your special day with you!

Brooklyn Burgers:
551-32 Banpo-dong, Seocho-gu.

Paris Croissant:
Address: 95-9 Banpo-dong, Seocho-gu
Telephone: 02-3478-9139
Hours: 7am – 11pm

Namsan Cable Car:
Fare: Round-trip: 6,300 won, One-way: 4,800 won
Hours: 10:00~22:30
83, Sopa-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
서울특별시 중구 소파로 83 (회현동1가)


Balmy in January?

Mother Nature is surly throwing not only we Bees for a loop, but the grass and birds too. We’ve had some very interesting weather here in S.Korea. I think its even safe to use the term “Spring-like” to describe it too! The month of January has went from one extreme, we are talking negative temps here, to down right balmy, birds chirping, bugs buzzing, above average weather! Please don’t misunderstand me for thinking I’m complaining, because I’ll absolutely take these gorgeous days! Even if it only last a day or so. I’ve caught Spring fever! And, it’s bad… bad it’s not going to last.

Our sweet little Pennsylvania Punxsutawney Phill has seen his shadow! Hooray! Spring will be here before we know it! However, I’m pretty sure that isn’t going to apply to us here in Korea. Just as fast as I wrote the above paragraph, Mother Nature had the last laugh and dumped 2 inches of snow and counting. Isn’t she just a fickle woman?

Hey Korea, no Paju Phil, or Pyongyang Phil? Just thought I’d throw that out there, food for thought.

Well, what a little more snow this year? I love snow, so I’ll make the most of it while its here. Besides, I swoon for the glowing city night-line covered in a soft white blanket.

Enough with the weather chit-chat. How was your weekend? Ours was busy, but fun!

Fabulous pasta shared with friends mmm…Bellissimo! Homework, making pickled mustard eggs, attending a Pampered Chef party, finding silly Bean cat nesting in my reusable grocery bags, tickets to see NANTA, and enjoying a new favorite find, cinnamon Schnee Pang! Have you ever heard of Schnee Pang? It originated in Rothenburg, Germany about 300 hundred years ago and now it has a home in Seoul. Yipee! Love new little finds.

Let’s go back to the topic of NANTA! I must share with you all how wonderful the show was! It’s been on my list of places to go and see since stepping foot in this country. This year I’m really making a conscious effort to keep one of my new year resolutions and tackle my Korea bucket list. NANTA’ is a non-verbal performance with comedy, crowd interaction, and drum-beat music. NANTA’s main stage area displays a huge kitchen where four chefs, three men and one woman, are preparing a wedding banquet. Two audience members get randomly selected to “get married” during the show. Mr. B was on the edge of his seat fearing they would select him because we were in an aisle seat only three rows away from the stage. Being the good wife I am, I booked the seats knowing they might pull us up on stage he- he. Okay, okay! Truly I’m not that terrible. I made him a deal in the end, I’d go up for him if selected. While the chefs cook, they turn their pots and pans, dishes, knives, chopping boards, brooms and even one another into instruments! It’s so creative, a ton of laughs, and was enjoyed by all ages! We highly recommend catching a show if you ever find yourself in Seoul.

Check out the website here.

Happy Weekending all!

20 Degrees

After a wee little snafo with forgetting a tripod piece…oops…who would have thought that piece belonged to that thing…

We crazily shivered captured ourselves in the beautiful snow covered belly of the Soyo mountain. Yes, in 20 degree weather.


Dear  Lord,

Thank you for leading my heart to this very patient and kind man. Bless his huge heart for not putting up a fight when his crazy wife comes up with silly little things….

well…not that much of a fight.

Happy Holidays 2012

Cheers to the new year!

With Love,

Winter Wonderland

Lately all I feel like doing is staying in. Being cozy. Keeping warm. I guess it doesn’t help that the temperatures continue to dip very low here in the evenings. Luckily for me we had an early dismissal from work today due to the weather and the road conditions. A real winter wonderland here in Korea.

Wait..I know what you are thinking.. and yes, we are from the North.. but It’s been very frigid and frosty here the past week. I feel like I’ve been living in my PJ’s. I can’t think of anything but jumping right into something fleecy right after work. Are you that type too?

Its hard to get motivated to leave ones home. Not to mention that little tree of mine is ever so distracting. Its so simple but so cute. Maybe I can blame my not wanting to leave the house on our tree, yes… that’s it! I mean we really only get to enjoy it one month out of the year, why wouldn’t I want to make the most of it. Wink, Wink.

Hope you are staying toasty and cozy in your neck of the woods.

Typhoon Bolaven

We, along with the rest of Korea, have been sitting ducks the past few hours.. helpless, not truly sure what to expect, as we wait for the wrath of Bolaven to hit the peninsula.

The clouds are so dark and moving rather quickly, and the wind continues to pick up by the hour.

Don’t worry too much… we’ve got outstanding company and typhoon reinforcements!

Yes, i’ll admit it… it was us you most likely hear rocking out on rock band.

All jokes aside, there is some serious consideration about  going pro, especially with Mr. J’s vocals on the mic! (Wink, Wink)

Brunch & Bolaven

What’s going on in your part of the world?

It’s Sunday morning here, a tad bit overcast, but I’ve got high hope for the sun to make an appearance today. Unfortunately, the weather is forecasted to take an ugly turn shortly. Yes, according to the Joint Typhoon Warning Center, we’ve got Typhoon Bolaven moving towards our little Korean peninsula. The typhoon is expected to make landfall on/or around the afternoon of August 27th and will continue to move north bringing heavy rain of 50-100 mm. and strong winds. EEK!



No worries! We’re prepared to hold down our happy abode with plenty of snacker packers ( he-he! that’s for Cassie & Josh). However we are concerned for our dear friends that have been staying with us. They need to catch a flight early in the week out of Korea to their next destination, London. Please send your prayers and good thoughts with them as they continue on with their journey.

Onto the best part of the blog, brunch!

After service today, I spent some time with a new friend, ate amazing food at Craftworks Taphouse & Bistro, and chatted about everything under the sun, or clouds in this case. It was basically a dream.

I snapped quick pictures with my iPhone of the menu so that I can drag Mr.B back the next time. I really liked the hidden back off the street atmosphere, and of course the food! MMMmm MMMmm MMMm!

Vegetarian eggs benedict.



Just for you, I have included the delicious menu too!  Drool and enjoy!













Check out the map coordinates here

Free Pass

There is just something about a rainy day that makes me think God is saying You can relax in sweatpants today….

Like a free pass…

Whatever the case,

I’ll take it!

Saturday was pretty relaxed and low-key for me (Mrs. B).  The rain came and went all day.

Not to draw attention to my alien toes… but, do you like the color of the toenails? I went with my dear friend and had a girls night. I let the young Korean girl who did them pick my color. I think its fun! I will have to blog about that entire experience soon.

I shared the quiet apartment with Miss Bean. Isn’t she just the cutest?

(Enter crazy cat lady section of the blog).

Mr. B went diving on the East Coast. Oh yes!  Like a proud little wife I have to congratulate him on his latest achievement on becoming certified as a Dive Master. You have no idea how hard this man has worked and studied to obtain this! I admire the drive and dedication he has, just one of the many reasons I love him so very much.

Okay, Okay… Enough of my mushy mushy.

I picked up a small gift that I wanted to give our friends tomorrow. I dawdled in the rain a bit to a Korean kitchen supply store near our place. I knew what I wanted in my mind, surprisingly I was able to find something fairly similar.

I got really crafty and used a paper Lotte Mart bag to wrap it up. Hey! reduce, reuse, recycle….oh’s official… I’ve  been in Korea way to long.

How was your Saturday? Do you ever wrap gifts in crazy papers or materials?

Just curious… 

Air Conditioners and Fans


For the past few weeks, everywhere you go, the air conditioners and fans have been cranked. South Korea, like much of the world, has been battling extreme summer temperatures.

Finally! When least expected…Some relief!

Today after work, we Bees joyful trekked through each room of our house to triumphantly open every window, as if to say, ‘woo-hoo! we’ve made it!” “Take that mother nature.”..well..for now.

How’s the weather where you are? Are you still trying to beat the heat?