Tag Archives: posting

As of late…

Silence on the radio….I had been planning to share our photos of bumblebee, what we’ve been whipping up and passing around our table for dinner, things we’ve been doing over the past few weeks…that is until seeing and reading the stateside news media as of late.

I’m a creature of habit, each morning I sit thankfully in my comfortable, quiet, moderately safe kitchen and read/ watch yet another attack, lives taken, the disgusting political mudslinging, friendships being ripped apart over petty disagreeing opinions as it relates to the before statements, the insane weather destroying communities, etc., I’ve just been so reluctant and so hesitant to post anything really. Hesitant to post about the wonderful times we’re experiencing here and the incredible foods we are so blessed to indulge on, out of respect to those who are clearly not safe, going hungry, in harm’s way of attacks and mother nature. Yes, to me it felt like writing about our homemade meals, vino night with good friends and cute bumblebee photos is very trivial in light of these heinous acts and tragedies.

But, I’ve realized and have shared some really special conversations with someone recently that’s given me more perspective on these events and a worldly view as a whole. We’ve discussed that no matter where you are these terrible things will occur, will continue to occur and you can’t let it stop you from trying to make the world a better place not only for you and I, but our children too. You can’t stop finding the good in your days and you certainly can’t let it stop you from living.

Through these conversations I’ve given so much deep though into the importance of my family and the importance of our friendships and who we chose to spend our remaining ticking hours with while we are on earth. I’ve realized even more so the importance of gathering our little family and close friends around our table, how writing about and sharing our home cooked meals is not trivial in the least bit, but so hugely important during these unfortunate times, because we are turning to one another to foster togetherness in our homes and around our tables. We’re creating these positive moments and memories, escaping even if only for a short bit of time the sadness and reality of what’s going outside of our doors and across the ocean from us. We’re gifting one another great company, great food, great wine and friendship that comforts, nourishes, strengthens, bonds our minds, hearts and bellies. With that being said…. I’ll post on.
