Relay For Life – South Korea

Dear friends, Many apologize for being MIA this past week, of course I have good reason for my absence. Relay for Life! My team and I walked over 24 hours these past two days, helping to contribute to raising roughly over $35,000 dollars! Finding a cure to kick cancers bum, meeting caregivers, survivors, and new friends, give me an annual sign up, please!

This was the first year that Seoul, Korea has participated in Relay for Life. All and all I think it was a smashing success! So many participants from all walks of life. Each with a story of survival, or the care they gave or are giving, or passion to fight for the cure for others. Such selfless people with huge hearts. It might have been all the chemical in the air from the AstroTurf getting ripped up, but there was such an incredible contagious high felt by all.

Watching the survivors take their first lap really set the tone to kick off the event. Men and woman of all ages. Cancer knows no age, color, race, or boundaries.  Grabbing breakfast that morning a woman approached my girlfriend Mary and I, stated she saw our shirts and had to say thank you. She stated she was a two-time survivor of cancer, always tried to participate in the Relay events each year, but was not able to this year. She shared openly shared a personal piece of her survival story with us. I cannot explain the flood of emotions that consumed my body at that point.

I have to reign in the misty eyed vibe I’ve got going in this post, end by lighten things up with some of the fun lap theme’s that our team participated in. These include the bubble lap, the beach party, children’s character, and red white and blue pride.

Keep calm and relay on!



  1. Hi! I would like to say that this actually was not the first time it’s been held in Korea. I brought the first Relay for Life event to Korea in 2010 at Camp Walker in Daegu with the support of my bN commander and CSM. My hometown of Statesville, NC sponsored the event. I then held it a second time, and then in 2012, they carried the event on for a third year. It has now expanded to Osan and Seoul making this the 4th year, and the first year for Osan and Seoul. It’s actually exciting to see how far it’s gotten! I am so glad you have participated and raised so much money for a wonderful cause.

    1. Many thanks to you for helping to bring the Relay for life to Korea! This was the first I knew of it in Korea, as you said the first event in Seoul. My team and I had an absolute wonderful time, looking forward to next year (hopefully). Thank you again!

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