It’s Miss Bean’s birthday! We can’t believe it has already been 4 years since we adopted Bean as a kitten from the SPCA. We laugh when we think back on how teeny she was when we brought her home for the first time. Bean had HUGE ears and HUGE paws for her little kitten body. 4 years later I guess you can say she has really grown into them.
We could not imagine coming home and her not being there to greet us with her sassy attitude, or to have our iPhone cords, speaker cords, really any cords, not chewed through on a regular basis. What it would be like to not be woken up bright-and-early when she feels that we should be up, or when she HAS to come into the bathroom when we are getting a shower in the morning, or when she goes into the guestroom right after we have just cleaned and fixed the bed to mess the covers all up.
Ah yes…. Happy Birthday Beanicus!