Wait…isn’t that any oxymoron?
No..no..just done all for the love of vanilla soft serve ice-cream. (Will explain further in a bit)
Today was an absolutely gorgeous day! The sun was out in full force and the temperature was actually in the upper 70’s. Ahh… I knew after church this morning whatever my plan involved, it was going to involve getting out and enjoying the amazing weather.
Fast forward to noonish, ate lunch quickly at home, texted back my friend, and made a plan that we were going to get out and about.
Biking! We decided to take the bike path that runs parallel with the subway and see how far we could go. We started in Dongducheon and road until we were in Nogyang. Needless to say we biked our little butts off. We had a blast though and that’s all that mattered.
So you are most likely scratching your head wondering where the vanilla ice-cream comes into play. Well, we decided if we road our bikes all that way we might as well get a treat for all that hard work. Besides, our bums hurt! We needed something to take the edge off, plus ice-cream makes everything 10x better!
The best part about the bike path is that you can ride as far as you want and not have to worry about riding back. Yes! You heard me right, you simply catch the subway back bike and all.
Cheers to Sunday adventures!
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