First, Happy Veterans Day to all of our heroes out there! In the US today, we celebrate you and the freedom that have given us each and every day. We cannot express our thanks enough to you.
On the other side of the world 11-11 is a South Korean holiday known as Pepero Day!
The company Lotte manufactures these sweet thin biscuit stick that are dipped in chocolate. As years continue on other game players tap into the consumer market with flavors such as, almond chocolate, strawberry, blueberry, nude, lemon, cheese, and then the ginormous Pepero that is the literally the length of one of our arms!!
What exactly does the Pepero stand for? Great question! After asking a few close Korean friends we are told that the Pepero symbolizes friendship. They said that children come home from school with 30 or more boxes sometimes on Pepero day. They give them to their friends and teachers too.
What’s the cost of these sweet treats? Well, this really depends on the type of Pepero that sparks your interest. The original Pepero runs about 800 to 1000 won that’s about 75 cents to 1 US Dollar.
Of course the one that really grabs our American attention is the gigantic Pepero! Sadly, based on feedback, we are told these LOOK very exciting but taste like a cardboard covered in chocolate… Hmmm… I guess we could always do some research. Of course research based purely for all of our followers
Final verdicts in…Mr. B loves the almond chocolate Pepero while Mrs. B is not a fan of chocolate…I know! WEIRD, right?!
Would you try Pepero sticks? If you have, what is your favorite?