In the land of grilled meats, kimchi, and rice…sometimes we find ourselves craving other cuisines..Sometimes, just not exactly sure what cuisine it may be.
Take tonight for instance..
Mr. B: “What are you hungry for?”
Me: “Doesn’t matter”
Mr. B: “just pick something”
Me: “Oh it doesn’t matter to me”
Mr. B: “Dino Meats?”
Me:”Doesn’t matter”
Mr. B: “You know what….na…no Dino meats”
Mr. B: “Grilled chicken?”
Me: “Sure” “Doesn’t matter”
Mr. B: “Na…”Eventually we end up with deciding on a newer restaurant located in New City. Eat’taly. The restaurant opened a few months back and ever time we passed we though to ourselves, we will go back and check it out. You know you always end up saying something like that and forget about it when it comes time to eat. You end up going to the places you know very well, you know what to expect, it’s comfortable.

Tonight just happened to be one of those nights, we craved something different.

Eat’taly is a very quaint little place. The food delicious, the service superb, we were delightfully surprised.

After looking over the many possibilities of pasta or pizza decisions, we ended up going with a shared set menu item. Gorgonzola pizza with honey, a garden salad, garlic bread, and pasta carbonara. Yum!

We ended the night with a shared pot-bing-su from Lotteria.

Grab the map coordinates here!
Isn’t Summer time so sweet?