There is something about throwing around some dough, enjoying a glass of red wine, and listening to Dean Martin’s Mambo Italiano, to end a manic Monday…Thought we’d share our favorite pizza with you too…
We pretty much think it’s the bees knees!
It’s simple….yet colorful.
It tastes really good too!
Here’s a list of the Ingredients:-Homemade pizza crust
– Red sauce
-fresh mozzarella cheese (well as fresh as one can get in South Korea)
-Fresh broccoli
-Grilled peppered chicken
-Fresh basil leaves
-Red cherry tomatoes
-Minced garlic
-Red onion
-Olive oil
-Feta cheese
YUM-O, RIGHT?I guess all those years In high school and college working at an Italian restaurant paid off…oh wait..I was a waitress…Okay, maybe it was osmosis!
MMMmmm. Hope you enjoyed as much as we Bees did!