This weekend was damp, foggy and moody. You know the kind, absolutely perfect for snuggling in and watching movies while playing games.
We watched The Office (currently re-watching the seasons together), lit candles all the while beautiful golden-yellow and fire-red leaves gracefully drop outside as the fog rolled by our floor to ceiling length living room windows.
We drove around the countryside with friends looking at the fall color, it was breathtaking. The colors and the views, ah! It reminded us of fall in Pennsylvania, I get the sneaking suspicion that’s part of the reason why we love our little home in South Korea so much.
There is just something about admiring God’s wonderful work that makes my little heart sing.
We stopped off at a coffee shop, Cafe Terra, nestled high up on the mountainside. We ordered and sipped on caramel macchiatos, enjoyed sweet chocolaty honey bread (I had a bite…you know not a fan of chocolate) took turns oogling the sweetest baby ever and enjoyed one another’s stories and friendly conversations. Did I mention this cafe had three charming pups, some song birds, and a tepee just outback? Yep, it was definitely our jam.
Here’s hoping you had an equally moody November weekend.
^^What happens when you give Mr. B the camera….
Cafe Terra: 가평읍 (산유리 725-1), Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do #010-5419-8789
Beautiful pictures and doesn’t Larry look like a natural…..
Thank you! Yes, he cannot fool anyone, he is quite the baby charmer.