Until a few night ago, I wasn’t aware of what a Virtual Blog Tour was. That is until Ms. Miia from Pearlspotting extended an invitation to take part one. Of course I gladly accepted!
So what is a Virtual Blog Tour? Each week on Monday the blog post is posted answering questions about the bloggers creativity and inspiration process. At the end of the post that blogger then introducing the next blogger for the following Monday to answer the same questions and then introduce another blogger, and so on. The end goal is connecting bloggers and building a bigger blog community together.
is a project that asks each participant to compose a one-time post to be published on a specific Monday. Its purpose is to introduce different bloggers through a series of questions about the creative process and what inspires us to do what we do. The same set of questions will introduce a blogger to another blogger’s readers, as well as the wider blogging community.
1. What am I working on?
Seeing the world! I’m chomping at the bit to get my passport pages filled with all sorts of exciting destinations. I know my husband is reading this and is in complete shock! Just kidding, trust me…this man knows I am ready to flop that suitcase onto our bed, throw in the bare necessities and be on my way, anytime and travel anywhere.
I remember quite often when I was little girl spinning a globe with my eyes closed, letting my finger glide across the countries and oceans, letting it come to a stop and seeing where my finger landed. Of course at that point I’d start planning out my fairytale life. You know summer cottage castle in Ireland, main cottage home in Paris, etc. It was addicting then and never ever did I think it would stick within my soul into adulthood.
I’m incredibly blessed to have married a man who is just as passionate about traveling, or at the very least, passionate to show me the world. Experiencing new cultures, tasting new foods, meeting and making new friends, it’s what makes me tick and he knows it. Thanks Mr. B.
Where to next? That’s a great question! The possibilities are endless and you will just have to stay tuned and travel along with us via Instagram, Facebook, or the Blog. (Don’t mind the shameless plug).
2. How does my work differ from others in it’s genre?
I’d like to say that I’ve got some mind-blowing work here, but we’re really just a rather typical couple that enjoys a normal expat life between the US and South Korea. You won’t find any sort of grumbling and life might come off darn near perfect when you read the blog post. That’s because life is perfect! Kidding again, we’ve all got those cloudy days or weeks, gosh dare I say months even? Yep, we are human too, but I choose to keep my style light and cheery with a strong emphasis on lifestyle and travel. Just as my blog style, I adore reading upbeat travel and lifestyle blogs too. Often my blogger buddies are expats in Europe or surrounding areas. (Thanks Miia from Pearlspotting).
3. Why do I write/create what I do?
When I dropped the bomb on my dear family and friends that I was moving not only out-of-state, but also to another country, I knew I needed to create a method to share our daily life with them all to know that we were okay not living in a hut in the middle of a rice paddy (Not that I wouldn’t enjoy that too). Blogging was a perfect solution! My biggest fans are my grandparents. They are regulars and have told me that thanks to the blog they can tell the difference when identifying Asians. This might seem little, but it HUGE! (We’re from a very small town in Pennsylvania, let’s just say cultural diversity isn’t the biggest thing going on there).
I also blog to encourage anyone like us from a small town to jump outside of their comfort zones and experience new places. What’s stopping you, besides yourself?! Get out and go! Remember one life, it’s short, make the most of it!
4. How does your writing creative process work?
I really try to be consistent with my blogging. There are times that I skip a weekend or weeknight and need a break, but typically my OCD gets the best of me and I get on with blogging. I find blogging and writing to be very therapeutic and release all of the tangled thoughts inside my head. It reminds me of journaling and that’s something I really enjoyed throughout my life.
My blog post are from various adventures in restaurant and cafe hopping, cooking, photography, life and travel. I just write whatever I’m up to at the moment and what I think my family and friends might enjoy experiencing along with me too.
I spoke a ton about traveling on my virtual blog tour, I think I used the word travel about ten times. Eek! Ah well, that’s the definition of true obsession passion, right? Continuing right along with the topic of travel, It gives me pleasure to introduce Ms. Valerie of To & Fromage.
To & Fromage is a blog that I found myself so intrigued with, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to share with the rest of you as well. Each time I visit the stylish little blog, the photos pull me in and made me long to visit each destination. Ms. Valerie lives with her husband and together they share their adventures in food, style and travel. I know without a doubt that you will love To & Fromage as much as I do. Happy exploring!
Turkey is my vote!
I might be bias…..but Turkey’s absolutely got my vote! Hugs and kisses to all!
Aw you are so sweet! Your blog inspires me so much to want to live somewhere else full-time. I want to be an expat!
Thank you! That means so much! You absolutely should! Life is so short, get out and go!