Tag Archives: French press Friday’s

French Press Friday: Sneaky

What if someone told me when I was 16 years old that in my life I would raise a blue-eyed baby girl and live abroad with my husband over 5 years away from everything we’ve ever known?

Never have I felt like I should stay rooted to a single place for the rest of my life. I love the world! I have far more than one favorite place to name and be.

I sit here swirling my coffee and ponder if our bumblebee will ever be attached to just one place, lay down roots, or will she identify herself just as her momma does… A “world citizen”? I suppose only time will tell.

My response to all of that….I’d say, LIFE, you surely are a sneaky little fox!


French Press Friday: Always

Random thoughts over french press this morning…

Random thoughts over french press this morning…

It’s remarkable how fast children grow so quickly into independence.

I find myself gazing into her eyes and feeling strangely that this little being has such an adult look in her eyes. It’s just at this moment she can’t verbally express her thoughts to us with our language yet, but certainly does in her own babble and coos. And then in moments of her fighting sleep, or having tummy troubles, or needing a diaper change, then I am jolted right back to seeing my baby, my baby bumblebee. That is when I see the childlike vulnerable, need and dependency in her eyes.

“I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.” – Robert Munsch
