So Thankful…

Happy Thanksgiving!

I love Thanksgiving! It’s a beautiful holiday, filled with time to sit, relax, break bread and reflect on everything the last year has given us.

Of course I’m going to jump on the blogging bandwagon and list what I’m thankful for. My list is GIGANTIC! I don’t know that my blogsite would have enough page posts to complete it. However, I want to publicize the very important ones in this post.

First, words truly cannot express enough how thankful i am for my big wonderful family, this includes my amazing husband. Without them all I would not be where I am today. I’m going to miss them dearly during this holiday season.

I am also incredibly thankful for all of our friends. We Bees have been so blessed to make such amazing lifelong friendships all over the world. Thank you for your true friendships, you kindness and caring hearts!

This Thanksgiving has many firsts involved. It’s the first time in my entire life that I’ve been away from my family at the holidays. The first time I’ve never had to visit to this house, that house, and so on, eat multiple meals. What a weird feeling!

It’s the first time I will cook and host an entire friendsgiving meal alone. Oh yeah, don’t laugh…this includes pumpkin pie and apple pie by myself too! Look out! Yes, prior year I was super spoiled and got to chow down on my Dad’s apple pie, or Grandma’s pumpkin pie, or my in-law’s amazing stuffing! Not this year. This year to enjoy it, I have to recreate it….the pressure is on!

(Not too shabby looking,right?)

I love having the tradition of getting up and watching the Macy’s Day Parade Thanksgiving morning in my pjs and eating breakfast! This year will be a first that I don’t have that feeling… it will be so different because it will airing at night because of the time differences. Instead of enjoying my bowl of cereal it will be a bowl of pumpkin pie and ice-cream 😉 I suppose I can deal, ha-ha!

Last night, Thanksgiving Eve, I was baking and cooking up a storm! I had Christmas tunes playing on the Sirius radio (Mr.B made fun of me the entire time).The oven had some of the most amazing aromas venting from it. Mmm! Amazing how certain smells take you back to some great childhood memories.

Wherever you may be located, we want to wish you and your loved ones a blessed and safe Thanksgiving!

It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving if there wasn’t a little napping involved 🙂

What are some of your Thanksgiving traditions? Are you experiencing any new “firsts” this year? We would love to hear your thoughts!

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