Besides the temperatures taking a plunge…
We took the plunge….and finally purchased a Vitamix!
I’ve been lusting after this bad boy for almost a year and a half. Even after reviewing all the videos and blogger ratings over the past year, I was still blown away by how powerful and smooth anything you put into the Vitamix in person comes out. I’m talking reallyyyyy smooth! Superrrr smooth!
I’ve been craving hummus, perfect excuse to use the Vitamix, right? Right! The blender box included an entire book of various recipes you can use the Vitamix for. hummus was among them and I already had all of the ingredients. So blend away I did.
The Vitamix was so quick to use and just as quick to clean up afterwards. Seriously topping my favorite kitchen gadgets! I cannot wait to find more excuses to blend in this powerful guy. I’m open to suggestions and recipes please.
What’s your favorite kitchen gadget?
Do you blend frequently? If so share some recipes pretty please.
Cashew butter or almond butter! Without all the nasty additives 🙂
I love both! I cannot wait to make each here shortly… before purchasing our mixer I sort of went a little over board on purchasing peanut butter. I figure we are stocked up for the apocalypse or the Kim family…