Monday Types

Are you a Monday type of person? Let me elaborate…you know the annoying type that has to start off your work week by asking all of your co-workers, “What did you get into this weekend?” I’ll admit, I was a Monday type of gal until recently when I started to realize how much pressure it seems to put on some people to come up with an awesomely awesome answer on the spot.

It’s like you can almost see the gears turning as they search for something to keep the other party interested. Like they want to blurt out, “We went rock climbing, kayaking, enjoyed a helicopter ride over Seoul tower, and then we enjoyed dinner at a super exclusive restaurant prepared personally by chef Edward Kwon.” Ha-Ha! Then they look at you like and what did you do this weekend?

For me…I just cannot play into this game. We do exciting things here and there. Otherwise, I’m perfectly content and actually look forward to my mundane weekends that consist of not traveling outside a five-mile radius to our home, relaxing with a hot cuppa tea and book, watching past sex and the city episodes with the hubs (don’t tell him I told ya)coffee dates, cooking together in our kitchen, even tackling the laundry monster.

Yep, for all you Monday types…there ya have it.



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