Tag Archives: mums

Take Time

“Don’t forget to take time to smell the roses…”

When is the last time that you stopped and smelled the roses?

I don’t know about you, but for the most part I get so wrapped up here with living life and work that I forget to simply stop and smell the roses. Forgetting those things that make me happy because I feel I can get to them another time. Nine times out of ten I never take the time to loop back around to those things.


Do I feel guilty taking the time to enjoy those things? Yes.


Good question! I have every opportunity to, I am encouraged to… so why? Ugh…

We are told so often by our elders that life will slip right by you so quickly. That we need to seize all of the moments that we can. Take the time to enjoy ourselves a bit.

Where I am going with this?

Well, with Thanksgiving only a few days away it’s important not only to serve others and put them first, but also never forget to take a break from time to time and do a few things for yourself too.

This morning on my elevator ride to down to the parking garage with my husband, I too was reminded that sometimes a person just needs to stop and smell the roses from time to time. That person might have a non-stop crazy work schedule, a full course load with school, miss a night of sleep from time to time…If there is a will, there is a way… they figure out a way to keep enjoying the things that make them happy.

I think I really relate to Paul in Colossians 4:1-18. “Although I may be in chains my heart is free!”

Today after work, I bought myself some beautifully colored Fall flowers, Then I took a few minutes to stop and smell the roses…or mums in this case.

Oh, if you didn’t notice played around with some photo editing fun too!

Thanks beebs.